Welcome To Peachy, We provide best erotic Tantric Massage in the City

Peachy Tantric Massage – where you can find the best authentic tantric massage service in Sydney. We have over 10 girls in our team not only just sexy but also with several years of experience in massage healing and relaxing therapy. Each week we have new masseuses coming to Sydney to provide the finest erotic massage sessions to clients.

If you really do want to experience the best that a sexy adult massage has to offer, one phone call is all that is required.

About the Tantric Massage

It describes an entire way of life based on worshiping the divine masculine and feminine energies within each of us. Tantric massage is based on uniting the masculine and feminine energies.

Like Yoga, or Zen, Tantric massage is a path to enlightenment which has it’s origins in India. It is sometimes referred to as the ‘science of ecstasy’ and is focused on the prolonging and heightening of the special rapport that exists between lovers. Tantra acknowledges sexual energy as the source of all life, and as such one of the most powerful forces available to us. Through Tantric massage we can become familiar with our spiritual nature, and through doing so expand our boundaries and enter into new domains of awareness. Through becoming empowered, we become fulfilled and embrace our true nature.

The word Tantra is originally from the Sanskrit root word ‘tan’ which means to weave or to expand. Tantric massage allows us to continually expand ourselves. The benefits of tantra can be both immediate and never-ending and walking this path will lead to a tremendous difference in the way you perceive yourself, your relationship and your life.

Tantric massage serves to join the masculine and feminine divine energies in a single joyous experience. It is taught that his merger between divine energies provides us with a taste of oneness with the universe. Such an encounter increases our understanding of the world and our place within it, and each subsequent encounter can bring us closer to true enlightenment.

About the Tantric Massage

The tantric massage should begin with spiritual ritual to bring the giver and the receiver into a greater alignment with each other, and a state of preparedness for the ritual ahead. Warm massage oils and gentle background music create the optimal atmosphere for you to drift into a deep meditative state.

Learning the correct forms of Tantric breathing techniques will greatly enhance the experience of a Tantric massage. The breathing techniques will assist in the movement of energy from one part of the body to another, and enable a greater degree of control and self discipline when dealing with the cocktail of physical sensations experienced during a Tantric Massage.

The massage itself will focus on the chakra points of the body and clear blockages in the flow of energy through your body which result from physical tension and stress. The chakras are the energy centers of our body and the degree that each chakra is open will dictate our degree of conscious awareness. A primary function of the chakras is the release of hormones into our body that not only control our physical state of being, but also affect our emotional state. While the energy flows from one chakra to the next you should visualize its passage through your body. The masseur will nurture the needs of the receiver completely and use tantric massage techniques designed to clear energy blockages and stimulate the flow of energy through your body. (If you are interested in tantric massage, You can learn more at Tantric Massage guide )

Tantric writings often describe the Kundalini, depicted as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. The process of tantric massage is designed to help this serpent rise from it’s resting place, through each of the Chakra points. As the Kundalini moves through each chakra it opens a progressively higher level of consciousness which becomes active and integrates into our lives.

While the spiritual benefits of Tantric massage are fantastic, the physical benefits are also well worth mentioning. Due to the hormone release at chakra points during a massage, the body experiences pleasure and cleansing. The benefits start with a great sense of relaxation and wellbeing during the massage, and last for days or weeks afterwards. Increased self esteem, happiness and motivation all enhance the receiver’s life. After receiving Tantric massage stress levels are reduced which will lead to greater concentration, energy and productivity.

Giving a Tantric massage can be as highly rewarding in terms of spiritual wellbeing and self esteem as receiving one, but receiving one is likely to relax the body to the extreme. Tantric massage is a highly relaxing process, and afterwards the person who has received the massage would be very calm and relax and will surely get a tight sleep that night.

Tantric Massage in Sydney

Peachy Massage Sydney can offer you a visiting tantric-erotic massage session, which will be at your hotel room or residence, or you can choose to visit us, at our massage parlour. We usually say it “In Call”. At the moment we have 3 locations in Sydney CBD for In Call tantric massage sessions. A discreet, beautiful, safe, clean, with all facilities one bedroom apartment located in fashionable CBD Area, not far from Tumbalong Park and Hyde Park. A Place To relax, to enjoy, to feel like home.